Monday, August 27, 2007

Great hitter, no home run!

Although it may sound like my 3 1/2 year old has some serious problems, it really is just innocent mischievous. Well, maybe not that innocent, but certainly mischievous.

We went to the park with my best friend and her 3 1/2 year old today. Yes. It's true. Best friends having kids within 3 days of each other - not even planned. What are the odds.

Since Ryan, my 3 1/2 year old didn't get his way, he decided to throw wood chips and rocks at his friends and proceed to try and hit them with a stick. Oh yes, he got a time out at the park. Who gets time out at the park? Is it a parenting problem? Probably. Kids will only do what they can get away with.

I've tried and tried different discipline methods. Time outs seem to work best, but I need to be more consistent. My problem is that when you are dealing with it all day, every day, it gets very easy to just give in or give up. I must stop that.

Usually what I can do is pop in his "It's Fun to Be Nice!" video and he will shift into a different, more manageable gear. The videos that Kidaddles makes are great. They are personalized with photos of your kid and talk about behavioral issues like having self control and learning how to share.

Try one if your kid is as "active" (he-he) as mine are. They really do help. You can find them at or at

Well, signing off for the day and preparing for a new one in a few short hours.

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