Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School Bells may not be a ringin'

Today we had our home visit from my 3 1/2 year old's new preschool teacher. He was awful while she was here. I was so embarrassed. He had 3 time outs in the whole hour that she was here. I'm not even sure if they are going to let him in anymore.

What am I going to do with him? He hit his little brother, sat on him, told me to shut up and ran away from me. I can't wait for this stage to end. I will take the terrible twos over the terrifying threes anyday!

I am constantly being screamed at by someone in my household at every given moment of every day. If my oldest son isn't acting up, then my 1 1/2 year old is having a tantrum, and let me tell ya, he has the longest and loudest tantrums I've ever seen. Or, my husband will come home grumpy and yell at everyone. I can't win some days.

Well, I'm done with my pity party. I'm getting to bed to rest up for tomorrows boxing match, scream-fest and time out sessions.

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